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Our Family

The Full Story


We are the Asuncion-Dagupion Ohana from 'Haole Camp' on Wainee St. We are a multi-generational household that ranges from 15-79. We have lived here all my life and can’t begin to think about leaving the island, Maui is our home.


Lahaina holds our hearts and is truly a special place. So many wonderful memories.


My mom has inspired many Lahaina children throughout her many years as a preschool teacher, in no particular order but to name a few - Sacred Hearts Preschool, to Honolua preschool in Napili, Kapalua Preschool down by DT Flemings now Tutu and Me Traveling Preschool. She is an angel and many would say she doesn’t age – and I couldn’t agree more.

My grandma, Frances and grandpa, Juan met working together at Royal Lahaina Resort, fell in love, and started our family. My grandma continued to work at the resort and retired there, only to start working over a Blue Hawaiian Helicopters as an Accounting Specialist. My grandpa left Royal Lahaina and worked for HC&S out in the fields. He worked at the Lahaina’s Pioneer Mill before they shut down operations and transferred over to the Pu’unee location in Kahului before he decided to retire.


My daughters Reanne & Kristi are both Sophomores in high school and enjoy band, volleyball, color guard and student council. Prince, my brother is a senior in high school and is also involved with band and volleyball – unfortunately his freshmen year was during covid and now experiencing this for his senior year.


I, myself, along with my mom and brother, Chance (living on Oahu), and aunty Kelcy & Uncles Jayson & Jon are Lahainaluna Alumni.

Lahaina is our roots. So many unforgettable memories were made at our residence and all over our beautiful town.


We had two dwarf coconut trees that my great grandpa planted in the front from when he worked in the sugarcane and lived in Lahaina Pump. Three big, beautiful mango trees that gave us many sweet treats every season, Seven, our family dog of 13 years, is buried back there under his favorite tree.

We were raised here. We do not plan on leaving. We will rebuild. We have been blessed by so many and my family and I – THANK YOU, from the bottom of our hearts. This will be a long journey and no amount is too little. Thank you so much for keeping our family and I in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate life during these difficult times.

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Don't Quit

Writer Unknown*

“When things go wrong

as they sometimes will,

when the road you're trudging

seems uphill,

when the funds are low,

and the debts are high,

and you want to smile,

but you have to sigh,

when care is pressing you down a bit...

rest if you must-but don't you quit.


Success is failure turned inside out,

the silver tint of the clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are,

it may be near when it seems afar,

so stick to the fight when you're hardest hit...

it's when things go wrong,

that you mustn't quit

Make a Donation

 - An Opportunity to Help -

We always appreciate any generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making our Family even more impactful than it already is.  There is no amount too big or small, every bit matters.

The journey to rebuilding will be a long one and my family and I appreciate your effort during these times.

Family Photos taken at Shark Pit

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